Friday, September 28, 2012

No Time, No Time ... I Got, Got, Got, Got, Got No Time!

Wow!  I can hardly believe September is almost gone!  And I haven't blogged all month.  My life is so busy, I can hardly find time to STOP!  No time to STOP and smell the roses.  No time to STOP and chat.  No time to clean house (oh no!).  No time for my friends and family!  And that's what I want to write about today!

We live in such a busy, hectic world that it takes time to STOP! And, thinking of the word, STOP, when did Michigan change it's driving laws.  When I went to school (I know, back in the dungeon days of the Dark Ages), we had to stop when we came to a corner with a STOP sign.  Have you ever watched people nowadays.  Approximately 75% DO NOT STOP!  And about 10% of that number barely slow down for the corner.  It's no wonder there are so many accidents or close calls!  And it's no wonder our insurance rates have skyrocketed!  Where is a policeman when these people are running STOP signs?  But, enough about that for today.

So, we don't think we have time.  But do we really?  I recently taught a segment about time management in my Efficient Studies class at MCC and will be teaching more about it soon.  So, am I practicing what I teach (not preach, but teach)?

What would you do if you were given $1440?  Would you spend it all at once?  Would you purchase something you've wanted but didn't have funds for?  Would you pay it on your bills, maybe an outstanding credit card debt?  Would you put it in the bank?  Or would you carry it around in your wallet or purse and let it nickel and dime you to death?

Well, just think of that 1440 in terms of minutes.  We have 24 hours in a day and 60 minutes in each of those hours.  That's 1440!  Now, what would you do with that 1440?  What DO you do with it?

I daresay we often squander it away without giving it a thought.  That's just like carrying 1440 dollar bills in our purse.  We spend $5 here, $10 there, and before you know it, it's all gone.  It's the same with minutes.  I sit down for a minute and it ends up 15.  I check my email and I end up on Facebook and I spend another 30 minutes.  We typically sleep for 400-500 of those minutes.  We spend another 150 eating, 60 getting ourselves ready for the day, and perhaps 120 watching television or movies in the evening.  How many minutes do we spend in the car commuting, sitting in drive-thrus?

Yes, everything we do takes time.  So, are we using our time wisely?  I know I'm not.  I waste time.  I use it up unknowingly many times; other times, I waste it deliberately.  What about you?  How are you spending your time?