Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Singing in the Rain

Boy, do we need rain!  Storms are just north of us; don't know if they'll get down this far or not.  It's almost midnight and yet feels like a sauna outside!  The air is so close, you can hardly breathe.  John went to the garden with the kids tonight and dug several hills of russet potatoes and some beets.  The potatoes weren't very big; didn't get enough water.  But it sure didn't stop us from enjoying them for supper!  The kids think that's so great that they get to eat what they helped with!

I am so blessed to have these grandkids, even though they drive me to distraction most of the time!  They are good kids.  Annabelle Ruthmarie is 7 and entering the third grade this fall.  She has been attending Threshold Academy southeast of Belding since kindergarten, but will now be going to Cedar Springs where her Daddy went to school.  She'll be 8 on November 10.  She's somewhat of a tomboy, always helping Daddy and Papa.

Brandson is 4 and will be 5 on November 11.  He'll start kindergarten at Cedar this fall and is really excited about it.  He looks just like his Daddy did at that age.  And he's a flirt!  Caleigh Lynn is 3, turning 4 on January 18.  She is just as blonde as can be and has a stubborn streak longer than you could imagine!  Boy, is that girl ever strong-willed!  Finally, Donna Jo is 1 and will be 2 on January 28.  She's the redhead, well more auburn than red.  She's pretty laid back most of the time, but is learning to experiment with throwing tantrums.  I think she's finding that doesn't get her very far though.

We truly love these little monsters!  Papa doesn't have a lot of patience and gets after them pretty good some of the time, but they always climb up on his lap later and smother him with hugs and kisses.  Tonight, Anna told him that his beard gets caught in her hair!  That was funny.  Grammie is the pushover!  Oh, how I love those children!!!  And to think, I didn't like the idea of having the little rugrats around.  I've always gotten uptight with little ones around.  In fact, the babies in the nursery at church would sense it in me when I would do nursery duty and they'd just cry.  Now, I can take most any baby and put it to sleep in no time.  Hmm.  Does that mean I'm boring?  Or that I'm truly a grandma?

Well, it's finally starting to rain; sounds like it's coming down pretty good.  We're getting some good lightening and thunder right now.  I absolutely love storms!  So, think I'll wind this down for tonight and go outside and sit on the porch and enjoy God's lightshow!

Til we meet again,

Leslie Anne