Saturday, September 17, 2016

Too Much To Do!

"I've just got too much to do!"  I've learned that old adage is true, that retired people are busier than ever!  Or is it if you want something done, ask a busy person.  Yep, that would be me.  And, here's a secret ... I have an awful hard time saying no!  Well, maybe that's not a secret after all.

So what keeps me so busy?  Grandkids, church activities, painting, my training business just to name a few.  You'll notice what I didn't name ... housework!  I hate housework and my house shows it.  Don't come and visit me, let's just meet for coffee.  Visitors (although I love them dearly) mean more work and more busy time!  And I hate to say it, but I'm jealous of my home time.  Is this just me or do you feel like this too?  Anyhow, I decided a long time ago that there were many more important things in this world than a spotless house (or car).

So, yep, I'm busy.  But guess what?  Evidently I don't think I'm busy enough.  This year, I've moved into the craft show business.  That means that you'll find me on many Saturdays at some local event, displaying my amateur artwork.  I don't think it's very good, but I get lots of compliments.  Not many sales, mind you, but lots of encouragement by window-shoppers!  But I don't care.  I love to paint and I love to show off my efforts.  Plus I love to meet with and talk to people.  So it's been fun.

And, as if that isn't enough, I am ambitiously stepping further into the world of public speaking.  I've done a lot of it over the last 20 some years, primarily through training.  But I've also done talks in several area churches and non-profit organizations.  And I even spoke once for a regional bank's annual dinner and got paid for it!  So, now I am reaching out to go bigger.  I am currently working on finding one or two key topics that I want to focus on.  The hard part is narrowing things down because I have such a broad area of experiences. 

So, keep tuned and hold me accountable.  I am aiming to have the topic developed by the end of October and to be actively searching for speaking opportunities at the first of the year.  We will see where this leads.  I'm excited about the opportunity this may present. 

And through it all, I just want to emphasize that I couldn't do any of this without God who has given me the talents and abilities and Who guides my path.  Thank You, Jesus!

Until  the next time,
