Wednesday, April 4, 2018

April Fool!

Spring, oh Spring! Where are you?

It’s April 4 and I woke up to the ground covered with fresh, white snow.  Now, I’m not adverse to snow.  In fact, I love it … as long as I don’t have to drive in it!  But, come on.  Really?  It’s April already.  Where is Spring?  Where are the gentle showers, the warming sunshine, the beautiful purple crocus, golden daffodils and scarlet tulips?  It doesn’t appear that they are here in Cedar Springs, Michigan - at least not today. 

But, it is Spring somewhere!  It may be in southern Ohio or northern Kentucky.  It may be in Kansas or Arkansas.  It may even be in Ireland or France.  And most of all, it is in my heart!

Yes, I feel Spring in my heart today.  I feel refreshed and renewed.  I feel pretty and strong.  I feel motivated and capable.  So why do I have all these wonderful, special feelings today of all days?  It’s all because of Jesus!  He has done a miracle in my life.  He has given me hope.

Yes, HOPE!  I have the Hope that the environmental Spring is only a few days away.  I have the Hope that tomorrow will be bigger and brighter and better than today (not that today was bad, mind you).  I have the Hope of knowing that someday I will walk hand in hand with the One Who loves me more than anyone else ever has or could.  I have this Hope because Jesus Christ took away my sins (yep, I had a few … well, quite a few … well, tons of them!).  Not only that, He took my penalty which was death.  He did that for ME!  That’s absolutely mind-boggling!  That’s beyond awesome!  That’s more than I can understand or even comprehend.  But then … BUT THEN, He rose from the grave and is even now preparing my heavenly home just for me.  Now that is more than enough to make me sing with wild abandon.

We know that all of life is a cycle.  After the cold, lifelessness of winter, we are ready for the rebirth that Spring brings.  And, just as Jesus rose from the grave and gives us Hope, we can also be sure that He will return for us and take us into that heaven of everlasting light and summer.  He will return as He promised!  Hallelujah!!